A Brand New Funnel Builder To Change the Game?
FUNNELIFY IN-DEPTH REVIEW, Demo, Pros & Cons, Pricing & Upsells, Conclusion... All-in-one quick review from experienced marketer...
Plus, $4017 worth of bonuses for free when getting Funnelify through this site
This video gives you the full review of Funnelify in one video.
Scroll below for more information or use the top menu to get the answers you're looking for.
WARNING: Price increases in...
Funnelify Overview
"Super Fast and Lightweight Funnel Builder With a Focus on Speed and Conversions"
Funnelify is a next generation funnel and page builder that automatically optimizes your load time behind the scenes, without you having to do any tweaks manually.
Speed and conversions are the two top priorities for Funnelify, and so the fact that Andrew and his team spent 16 months non-stop building this funnel builder, to create something that makes fast funnels possible and easy to use, is exciting.
Funnelify is not just fast, it also has the flexibility to design virtually any page you want, and fine-tune the appearance with margin, padding and mobile-responsive settings that makes sure your pages look amazing on both desktop, tablet and mobile.
It's a drag-and-drop editor, and so there's no coding needing. A complete newbie can come in and start using this funnel and page builder without looking up tutorials or ask for help.
That said, most funnel and page builders will have its strengths and weaknesses, and in this review you'll see exactly how Funnelify comes out...

Created by...

Andrew Darius
Marketing Expert, Author, Speaker
Funnelify Demonstration
This is the Funnelify funnel builder interface...

You get the Funnelify funnel builder, and tutorial videos to ensure complete clarity on exactly how to use Funnelify to create amazing pages and funnels in minutes...
Step 1: Create a new funnel

Click on image to enlarge
Login to Funnelify and click on the "Create" button to launch the funnel/page builder interface
Click on the template tab and choose between 220 DFY mini templates or 50 DFY full page templates in many categories, from opt-in/squeeze pages, sales pages, home pages, thank you pages, affiliate pages, local pages and many more.
Step 2: Select a template

Click on image to enlarge
Step 3: Customize as needed

Click on image to enlarge
Change the text as per your need, adjust spacing, change colors, insert links or integrate your autoresponder to your opt-in page. Make the tweaks in a few minutes and you're ready to launch your funnel.
Launch your funnel by making it public with a click of a button. That's it! You've now got a funnel ready to make money.
Step 4: Launch your funnel

Click on image to enlarge
Pricing & Upsells (OTOs)
Main Offer: Funnelify

Price: $37 - $67
Funnelify next-gen funnel and page builder software, including video tutorials and 220 done-for-you made mini-template blocks & 50 full page templates
There's two plans on the front end:
For the $37 plan you get up to 10 funnels and 100 pages
For the $67 plan you get unlimited funnels and unlimited pages.
Both plans include 50 full page templates and 220 mini-template blocks.
OTO1: Funnelify PRO

Price: $67
PRO upgrade includes: Use Your Own Domain Names, Double the number of mini template blocks and full page templates, Get Access To Over Millions Royalty Free Stock Photos, Export Funnels & Pages Outside, Sell Funnels & Websites In The Easiest Way (1 click funnel or web page clone to buyer account)
OTO2: Funnelify Club

Price: $27/mo
Club upgrade includes: 500 swipe & snap ready full page templates, and 20 more templates every month you stay a member.
OTO3: Funnelify Agency

Price: $67
Agency upgrade includes: Quadruple The Number Of Monthly Views & Monthly Bandwidth plust 5 sub-accounts
OTO4: Funnelify Global

Price: $27
Global upgrade includes: Automatically Detects & Shows Web Page In Viewer Language.
OTO5: Funnelify Bonus Page Generator

Price: unknown
Bonus Page Generator upgrade includes automated bonus page generation for affiliates from bonus page template done in Funnelify. Affiliate just enter name, paste affiliate link, and optinally image and it will generate the bonus page for that affiliate.
Pros & Cons
Is Funnelify Worth the Investment?
Funnelify ticks all the boxes when it comes to what I personally look for in a funnel/page builder. At first I didn't think it would live up to my standards, as almost no page builder I review do, but I was pleasantly surprised with the speed, flexibity and easy of use with Funnelify.
Templates are great too, and there's even more than you're going to need, so that's a good thing for sure. Autoresponder integration could be made simpler but it works, and so there's no complaints there as well.
All in all, I highly recommend Funnelify because it's a great page builder, that delivers on fast loading pages which will make sure you don't loose our any potential customers, therefore maximizing your traffic, leads and sales.
WARNING: Price increases in...
Funnelify Exclusive Bonus Bundle
Get Funnelify + $4017 Worth of Bonuses For FREE via This Page
Below you'll see 15 hand-picked bonuses that you'll get for free when purchasing Funnelify through this page. All of these bonuses will be instantly delivered to you via the PayDotCom platform (where Funnelify is hosted). Simply purchase Funnelify via any of the links on this page and get instant access to Funnelify + all 15 bonuses.
For more details on how the process works, please click here to scroll to the instructions.

Urgency Suites Pro

Click image to preview bonus
VALUE: $297

Profit Ascension

Click image to preview bonus
VALUE: $297


Click image to preview bonus
VALUE: $97

7 Day 'Fill-in-the-blanks'
Indoctrination Email Campaign

Click image to preview bonus
VALUE: $97

17 Private High-Ticket Webinar Affiliate Programs

Click image to preview bonus
VALUE: $97

Personal 1-on-1 Mentoring via WhatsApp chat

VALUE: $497

Traffic Generation Club Membership

VALUE: $197

Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing Unleashed

Click image to preview bonus
VALUE: $197

List Building On Steroids

VALUE: $67

How To Build A Buyers List

VALUE: $67


VALUE: $67

Better Email Marketing

VALUE: $47

The Secret Weapon

VALUE: $297

Taking Consistent ACTION

VALUE: $47

Digital Income Academy

VALUE: $1649
Yours FREE when you get Funnelify via this page
When you purchase Funnelify via any of the buttons/links on this page, you'll have the bonuses instantly available to you via the PayDotCom platform. For more information please see below and follow the 3 steps.
WARNING: Price increases in...
(These bonuses will be unlocked instantly by the PayDotCom platform when buying through my affiliate link, so please follow these instructions in order to make sure you'll get the bonuses)
1. Right-click on this link or any of the orange buttons on this page.
2. Open link in "Incognito" like shown in the image below:

3. Buy Funnelify (you will get all the bonuses regardless of which plan you choose)
1. Long-press on this link or any of the orange buttons on this page.
2. Open link in "Incognito" like shown in the image below:

3. Buy Funnelify (you will get all the bonuses regardless of which plan you choose)
IMPORTANT: After you have purchased Funnelify like shown above, you will be sent an email from PayDotCom where you access your purchase of Funnelify, and from there you access the secret link to access all the bonuses mentioned on this page.
NOTE: Make sure you open the link in an incognito window because this way, you'll open a new browser with no cookies, which means you're guaranteed to get your bonus as I'll be guaranteed to get the affiliate credit.
If you run into any issues during checkout, or at any time at all, you can always send me an email... Go ahead and get Funnelify and all 15 bonuses right now, and I'll see you on the inside.
Any questions?
If you need to get in contact with me, please send me an email at jonas(at)marketingwithjonas.com

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